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Delaware Department of Transportation

On-The-Job Training Program

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The On-the Job Training Program is a tool to ensure non-discrimination in hiring, employment and training practices and to meet the goals of training and retaining women, minorities, and disadvantaged persons in the highway construction industry. Other key points include the following:

  • The OJT Program is not intended to displace current workers in the industry.
  • Additionally, the OJT Program should be used to develop new workers in a given job classification.

The selection of skilled job classifications to be used on a project is an important part of the On-the-Job Training program. Each job classification selected should add to the overall strength and value of the company's workforce. DelDOT allows contractors to designate their choice of training categories, but EEO reviews in other states have resulted in the mandating of job classifications by the U.S. Department of Transportation in order to overcome continued low participation rates of women, minorities, and disadvantaged persons in all skill areas in the highway industry. It is therefore important that companies provide training in a number of skill categories so that all companies can retain this ability to choose trainee classifications.

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